
Biological & Complex Matrices

At GreenWater Laboratories, we have developed multiple approaches to handling complicated matrices, such as animal tissues, plant material, sediment/soil samples and algal supplements.  

We understand the importance of providing reliable data and continue to develop and improve upon our approaches to serve our client goals. 

GreenWater Laboratories uses the highest level of QAQC to verify that the data we provide clients is accurate. This includes using standard addition to validate method procedures and for quantitation, as well as continued calibration checks, lab fortified blanks and verifying blanks are free of contamination.

Algal Poisoning of
Pets & Livestock

If your family pet or livestock is exhibiting any of the following symptoms after swimming, contact your veterinarian immediately.

  • Malaise/lethargy/loss of appetite
  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
  • Collapse/Inability to walk
  • Pale or Jaundice (yellow) gums
  • Seizures/Tremors
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Hypersalivation
Samples to submit for testing should include the source water, vomitous (or any retrievable stomach contents) and/or urine. If the animal is deceased, the kidney or liver can be submitted.

The most sensitive individuals to algal toxin poisoning are those that ingest cyanobacteria when they are in the water. Many times, those individuals are dogs or livestock, since they are entering and exiting algal blooms at shorelines.

It is a good idea to keep pets and livestock out of the water when cyanobacteria may be present.

Pet / Livestock Intoxication Sampling

Please use the below sampling instructions to see what to collect, how to collect, and package your pet and/or livestock intoxication samples. All sample submissions, must be shipped with a completed COC (Chain of Custody). A short informational brochure (for veterinarians) is also below describing testing for cyanobacteria intoxication.

Pet / Livestock Intoxication
Sampling Instructions

What type of samples, how to collect, store and ship for testing.

For Veterinarians:
Background on HAB Poisoning

A referenced background document on levels considered harmful, previous intoxication events, and preferred specimens.

Wildlife Mortality Events

Cyanobacteria blooms have been attributed to mass mortality events of many different animals, including fish, birds and livestock.  If you suspect an event is tied to a harmful algal bloom, the first collection should be of the water source so that identification of the cyanobacteria/algae present can be made. Toxin testing of the water/bloom material also helps to determine if toxin levels are sufficient to have caused animal intoxication.  Many times, an event has a complicated etiology, with more than one toxin and/or stressor present. 

GreenWater Laboratories can help wildlife officials diagnose these events.

The following biological samples can be submitted for testing, in order of importance:

  • Water
  • Stomach Contents
  • Urine
  • Kidneys
  • Liver
Wildlife Mortality Sampling 

Please use the below sampling instructions to see what to collect, how to collect, and package your wildlife mortality event samples. All sample submissions, must be shipped with a completed COC (Chain of Custody). A short informational brochure (for fish and wildlife officials) on testing choices is also below.

Wildlife Specimen
Collection Instructions

What type of samples, how to collect, store and ship for testing.

For Fish and Wildlife Officials:
Background on HAB Poisoning

A referenced background document on levels considered harmful, symptoms, shellfish regulations, and mortality events.

Food Products & Drinking Water

Shellfish, Fish, Algal Supplements, Vegetables

GreenWater Laboratories frequently tests food products for cyanotoxins, including shellfish, fish muscle, algal supplements, and crops that have been in contact with water with active algal blooms. We conduct testing for the same algal toxins present in the water you drink.

For prompt quotes and timeframes for our services, please call or e-mail us.

Food Product/Supplement and Drinking Water Sampling 

Please use the below instructions to submit samples intended for human or animal consumption, including algal supplements. All sample submissions, must be shipped with a completed COC (Chain of Custody).

Food Product and Supplement Sampling Instructions

What type of samples, how to collect, store and ship for testing.

Drinking Water Sampling Instructions

How to collect, store and ship for testing.